The winners of the Online Cosplay Catwalk and info about the second round!


Friday 27 March Heroes Dutch Comic Con organised the Online Cosplay Catwalk in collaboration with Sakuraflor and Hype Creations.

All cosplayers at home who were supposed to go to Heroes Dutch Comic Con last weekend may have worked hard for weeks or even months on their cosplay outfits and couldn’t show there hard work. That’s why the Online Cosplay Catwalk was created so that all the more beautiful cosplayers still had a stage to show off their outfits.

Thanks to all the participants, the Online Cosplay Catwalk became a huge success and a great show did popped-up on Instagram Stories with all beautiful videos and photos. Once again we would like to thank everyone who submitted their story to us and contributed to this success to give people at home a nice show and the cosplayers a stage to show their outfit.

Today Sakuraflor announces the three winners via the video below, see if you are the lucky one who won one of the goodie bags sponsored by Hype Creations.

Join the second round!
Unfortunately it wasn’t possible to post all the stories last Friday 27 March as Instagram Stories has a limit. In order to give the cosplayers a stage, we organize a second round on Friday April 3rd! This day cosplayers can share their photo or video on their own story with the tag @dutchcomiccon between 9.00 in the morning and 12.00 in the afternoon. At 12.00 o’clock the first 100 submitted stories will be transferred to the stories of Heroes Dutch Comic Con, so be there on time, only the first 100 will be transferred.

Are you joining the Online Cosplay Catwalk? Then you will have the chance to win 2 tickets for Heroes Dutch Comic Con on 4 & 5 July or for the winter edition in November! Monday the 6th of April the winners will be announced.

Please note: only cosplayers who did not appear in the story last time can participate.

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