

A picture is worth a thousand words. Eternalize the meeting with your favourite Special Guest(s) and claim your photobooth ticket(s) now.

Please note: Photobooth tickets are available in the webshop right from the moment when a Special Guest has been announced. Photobooth tickets are usually sold out quickly, so don’t hesitate too long. 

Eternalize the meeting with our hero!

Buy a photobooth ticket and you’ll have an amazing tangible memory of the meeting with your favourite special guest.

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Good to know:

  • The price of a photobooth ticket differs per actor.
  • After the photo has been taken, you will receive a printed version of your photo at the exit of the photobooth.
  • Later on, your digital photo will be available for free.
  • A photobooth ticket can only be used in combination with a valid Heroes Dutch Comic Con entrance ticket for the same day.
  • One photobooth ticket is valid for one person. It is possible to go with more than one person on one photo. To do so, everyone needs to have their own ticket.
  • Make sure you are present at least 5 minutes in advance. Unfortunately we can no longer give you access if you are late.
  • The schedule can be found on your photobooth ticket, on the website and on location inside the program book.
  • Don’t queue up too early to avoid you’re in queue of the wrong Special Guest.