Regular ticket sales starts 15 august


As fast as the Early Bird tickets flew, you should be warned by now! The organization announced that the sale of the regular tickets will start August 15th at 1PM! Write it with capital letters in your calendar and ensure yourself off a ticket.  

Are you sure you will visit us again in November? Or do you want to wait until more guests are announced? We advise you not to wait buying your tickets for the biggest Comic Con in the Netherlands. For the past 2 editions in a row all saturday tickets were completely sold out during the presale, and we expect the winter edition will be sold out even earlier than you would expect. 

This year we will offer more pop-culture than you could ever dream of. Check out all the release-dates of your favorite movies, games, series and maybe you will find the exclusive content that you crave for at the winter edition! Keep track of our brand new website and social media to learn more about the show. 

Don’t take any unnecessary risks and make sure you get your ticket and avoid missing out. Convince your friends, family, acquaintances, and others to come to Utrecht in November. Prepare yourself for a life-changing experience you will have. And maybe we will announce our first special guest on this day as well… 

We offer many different tickets so be aware! Are you a big fan? Get your VIP ticket (limited), or surprise you family with a gift and get the family ticket. We are looking forward to welcome you in November!


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