Meet the Cosplay Judges of this edition!


Meet our new Cosplay Judges!


”Hello! I am incredibly keen to visit the Netherlands for the first time all the way from Australia. I can’t wait to see you all and experience the cosplay and community!” – VYE Cos


”Hey! I’m Hotaru, a cosplayer from Luxembourg since 2013. I specialize in mostly crossplay and bringing my favorite characters from anime and games to life the best I can. With the help of some makeup and wig styling magic, as well as taking photos that fit the character, I try to bring those characters into our world. Cosplaying brings me so much joy, and I can’t wait to meet more likeminded people at Heroes Dutch Comic Con to share our passion together! See you in the Netherlands!” – Hotaru


”Hello everyone! i’m Jean, a international cosplayer and i’m very very excited to see my lovely dutch community again at heroes Dutch Comic Con! 😀 i’m looking forward to seeing all of you there <3 – BubblegumHD

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