Don’t forget to submit your HDCC Fantastic Stories entry!


With the deadline of the Fantastic Stories comming up it’s important to not forget to submit your work! Organized by the American Book Center and in collaboration with publishing house Zilverspoor, this story competition is the perfect time to show your writing skills.

The deadline is comming closer and closer. You are able to submit your story until September 30. The theme of this year’s contest is hope and despair. Almost all stories contain the two elements of hope and despair if you look closely. Besides the theme it’s also important to follow the guide lines that are on our website. This way you can participate to win this competition!

Judges will select ten finalist who will all receive an entry ticket to the Heroes Dutch Comic Con and two copies of the Fantastic Stories 2022 bundle. The official winner of the competition will also receive a gift card from the American Book Center worth €100.

One of the judges will be Talia Stone. She leads writing workshops for individuals and company teams at The Story Lounge. As a writing teacher Talia knows all the ins and the outs of writing a perfect story. As an extra gift Talia Stone will give the official winner a private writingclass! 

Do you like writing and do you have a great idea for a story? Then participate in the Heroes Dutch Comic Con Fantastic Stories Competition before it is to late!

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