Meet Cosplayer Satiella in our new Cosplay Village!
Who is Satiella?
”Hi everyone! It’s Satiella here and I am SUPER excited to meet you all! I am a Dutch cosplayer with a huge love for everything geeky—from videogames, to anime to tabletop games! I started Cosplay a few years ago and truly enjoy bringing my favorite characters to reality.
Cosplay is such an interesting artform because it covers so many different skills, and learning about all these skills is what makes it so much fun for me! My favorite aspect however is the photoshoot: working together with the photographer to find that perfect setting, the perfect vibe, the perfect poses—that is what really makes me happy. I would love to meet you soon! Feel free top hop on by to ask questions, or just to hype about your favorite characters, anime, games or your future cosplay plans!” – Satiella