Cocky van Dijk
Cocky van Dijk lives for stories. Not only is she the publisher of Zilverspoor and Zilverbron, she also edits and writes. In short, she is into stories every day. Of course, she is bringing along her latest book, the collection of short stories Brain Phantoms. And she likes to talk about it. It is a collection of all kinds of stories she has written over the years. The themes that run through the book are: change, liberation, 1001-nights, and especially humour. Of course, The Death Society part 1, Shadow Warrior, is also there. With this, Cocky has started a new series. The idea for The Death Society came about after a spelling error. The word stuck and expanded into a magical world where Shadow Warriors rule over death in a brotherhood, about Silver Runners who try to help lost souls. But most of all it’s about Ranah, Rorrick and Si’denn who are all trying to find their place in the world, while their lives are turned upside down. They have nothing to do with each other, until their life threads entwine with all its consequences. Cocky will be signing her books on Saturday and Sunday at the Zilverspoor stand.
Cocky van Dijk
Django Mathijsen
Django Mathijsen (1966) started writing science fiction stories as a logical sequel to the hundreds of popular science articles he has written. Over the years he has won many prizes for his stories, some of which were written in collaboration with Anaïd Haen. With her, he now has more than twenty titles to his name, both for children and for adults. Besides in the Netherlands, his work has also been published in America and other countries. He graduated in engineering from TU Eindhoven and worked as a jazz organist. In addition, he was a technical consultant to the TV programme ‘Robot Wars’. Besides Once upon what will come and the Decadentia series, Django’s technothriller Roboright will also be on display at Zilverspoor Publishers’ stand. Django Mathijsen will be signing books on Saturday and Sunday.
Django Mathijsen
Astrid Coumans
Astrid Coumans (1976) is from Veenendaal and has been writing stories since she was little. In 2005 she started writing a fantasy book. De Inlener was on the shelf for twelve years and during that time she wrote nine more manuscripts and a number of blogs for a children’s forum. At her daughter’s insistence, she rewrote and sent De Inlener. Astrid has a preference for fantasy stories that are slightly different and does not like compartmentalizing subgenres. She also paints, likes to play Minecraft and buys more books than she has time to read.
Astrid Coumans
Ian Laverman
The dyslexic fantasy writer Ian Laverman is the author of the Dutch book series De kronieken van MAGIC. The series consists of two standalone trilogies (The Wellspring of Magic Trilogy & The Corruption Trilogy) and a standalone book (The Shadow Side of Magic) consisting of three different stories (Nightmare Horde, Fallen, The Night of the Living Objects). The Chronicles of Magic tell the story of the famed Golden Generation; incredibly talented mages trying to hold their own in a magic-infused world, where anything is possible. The Chronicles of Magic was born out of a desire to bring more classic fantasy back to the shops and to create a world for readers to lose themselves in. Do you like magic, grand adventures and want to escape to a world of endless possibilities? Then The Chronicles of Magic is the series for you.
Ian Laverman
Dianne Arentsen
Dianne Arentsen is busy creating stories on a daily basis and already has several books to her name. In her series Het patroon, you are taken into the unique world of Sondar with different characters, strange creatures and an original magic system. She has also written the children’s book Fort Enigma. This is an interactive story full of adventure, in which you go criss-cross through the book. As a reader, you are assigned a lector, a robot buddy that you can control and that you can use to help the main character win a tournament at Fort Enigma. There are no chapters, just rooms. By solving puzzles and riddles along the way, you can discover where the story continues. Including QR codes for online games and other fun extras. Dianne will be signing her books on Saturday and Sunday at the Zilverspoor stand.
Dianne Arentsen
Sebastiaan Koen
Fantasy, darkness and emotion. Those are the characteristics of Sebastiaans stories. He was drawn to this type of story from an early age and it reflects in his books. Readers should be drawn into the story and feel as if they are the main character. His fantasy series ‘The stories of Auruco’ is very popular with the public. The quadruple is definitely worth reading. Don’t know him yet and are you looking for a great fantasy series? Then come by to take a look. Sebastiaan signs on Saturday and Sunday at the Zilverspoor stand.
Books: The Stories of Auruco book 1, An Empire in Decline The Tales of Auruco Book 2, A Royal Betrayal The stories of Auruco book 3, An iron fist The stories of Auruco book 4, A flame in the darkness
Sebastiaan Koen
Kim ten Tusscher
After ten books, Kim ten Tusscher has become an indispensable part of the Dutch fantasy scene. With the Lilith trilogy – the series in which dragon changer Lilith tries to escape the horrors of war – she amassed a large fan base. Hunter & Prey followed. This year Storm 2 was released, the last book in the enormous series of Tales of Doom.
Kim ten Tusscher
Mathias Maho
Mathias Maho is a thirty-year-old Flemish author at the Zilverbron publishing house and a great animal lover. He has completed two parts in the series ‘Riders of the night’ and is busy with the third part. The series takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, in which three people, together with their horse and Soul Animal, try to save the world from demons. Come have a chat with Mathias and awaken the Soul Animal in you!
Mathias Maho
Peter DeWillis
As the author of two book series, Peter ends up in wonderful adventures. In his capacity as Peter DeWillis, he recounts the magical world in The Books of Terra Fabula. Disguised as Gustaaf Glibber, he takes us to monsters with hearts of gold in Griezel & Co. Through his profession as a maker and teacher, Peter works at various theatre and film schools where he coaches students to create stories using various media. The world of imagination is where he lives every day, surrounded by beautiful stories. Peter will be signing on Saturday and Sunday.
Peter DeWillis
Robin Rozendal
Robin Rozendal (1984) is a writer and illustrator of fantasy books, in addition to her work as a video maker and photographer. She lives in Amsterdam with two cats. Lost Aluria is the first book in the Living Cities series. She previously published the collection of stories ‘Worlds Awakening’ with a writing group, which also contains a story from Erimaer. In addition, she drew her own cover and illustrations, made several cover illustrations for Vonk Magazine and illustrated the children’s book ‘Luguberg: talent hunt’, by Dianne Arentsen
Robin Rozendal
Anaïd Haen
Anaïd Haen (1966) writes about everything that fascinates her, for every age and in every genre where a story wants to be told. If she really had to choose, it would be science fiction, closely followed by fantasy, because in those genres she can invent worlds, characters and circumstances to the fullest. She often does this together with author Django Mathijsen who, just like Anaïd, has won many story contest. With him, she has written more than twenty books and dozens of short stories. Their science fiction collection Once upon what will come contains stories with which they scored high, both nationally and internationally. But their wonderful series Decadentia is one you won’t want to miss. Anaïd Haen will be signing her books on Saturday and Sunday.
Anaïd Haen
Charlotte de Winter
Charlotte de Winter lived in Exeter for a while, where she studied English language and literature. It was there that her love for England blossomed. With “De Sleuteldrager,” she combines several genres, making the book appealing to a wide range of readers. Fans of thrillers, crime novels, detectives, and fantasy will be well served by this surprising debut. Charlotte will be signing books all weekend at the Zilverspoor booth.
Charlotte de Winter
Gaby Raaijmakers
After completing her Emperor Empire trilogy, Gaby Raaijmakers was ready to take on new writing challenges. In the meantime, her love for Dungeons & Dragons had been ignited, and she had a group of adventurers wandering through the world of her books, experiencing adventures. This often led to plot twists and choices that she could never have imagined herself. Thus, a new writing challenge emerged: interpreting those D&D adventures in a book series, resulting in the Drakeneiland series. “Heksenvrees” is the first outcome of this endeavor. Gaby will be signing books on Sunday at the Zilverpoor booth.
Gaby Raaijmakers
Johanna Lime
Marjo has been writing fantasy/science fiction novels since 2011 under the pseudonym Johanna Lime. Initially, she collaborated with Dinie, but after Dinie’s passing in 2018, Marjo continued on her own. Following their precursor, “Schimmenschuw,” came the trilogy “De vergeten vloek” (The Forgotten Curse). In the same imaginative world, there is the trilogy “Interplanetair,” of which the final part was recently released. Johanna Lime will be signing books all weekend at the Zilverspoor booth.
Johanna Lime
Kelly van der Laan
Kelly van der Laan has become a staple in your bookshelf, and she brings her latest book with her: “Zwanenzang.” Similar to “Verloren zielen,” it’s a fantastic collection of powerful short stories spanning various genres, all in Kelly’s well-known style. She also has “De prijs van water” in tow, set in a future where magic plays a role. It’s an incredibly thrilling book, a real rollercoaster from the start, making it difficult to put down. And, of course, the Lentagon trilogy must not be overlooked. Kelly will be signing books all weekend at the Zilverspoor publisher’s booth.
Kelly van der Laan
Larissa Klein Bennink
Larissa Klein Bennink has always been fond of stories. Both as a child and nowadays, she can often be found with one or more books in her bag (because what if that one book is finished on the way?). Larissa particularly feels at home in the fantasy genre. When she’s not immersed in a book, she’s busy writing her own stories, for Dungeons & Dragons, LARP, and of course, her own books. Meanwhile, her first book in the Revolution series has been released: “Initiation.” What if the heir to the throne of a land where magic is illegal turns out to be a magician? And what if that heir befriends the crew of an air pirate ship? “Initiation” marks the beginning of a steampunk-fantasy series that focuses on friendship, adventure, the threat of civil war, and the importance of making one’s own choices. The second part, “Deposed,” has also been released, and Larissa is diligently working on the third installment. Times are changing. The Revolution is here. Larissa will be signing books all weekend at the Zilverspoor booth.