

Elena Casagrande is coming to HDCC!

Elena Casagrande is coming to HDCC! She works with Marvel and DC Comics but also launched the new series of Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor for Titan Comics. She’s the artist of the new series of Black Widow for Marvel with Kelly Thompson as writer, Jordie Bellaire as colorist and Adam Hughes as regular cover artist; she and her team-mates won with this series the Eisner Award 2021 as Best New Series.

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Sign up for the HDCC Cosplay Contest

It’s time to sign up for the Heroes Dutch Comic Con Cosplay Contest! Admire all beautiful Cosplayers during the Cosplay Contest at Heroes Dutch Comic Con. Participate and have a chance to become the Cosplay Champion of HDCC!

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Comic Artist Julian Totino is attending HDCC!

Julian Totino started working for BOOM! Studios, an American comic-book publisher, in 2009. He creates interiors and also cover art for several titles. During the last few years, and up until today, he creates cover art for Marvel, DC Comics, Dark Horse, Valiant, and BOOM! Studios. Meet Julian during the upcoming edition HDCC!

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